Exploring Anima

A brain–computer interface for peripheral materialization of mindfulness states during mandala coloring.

Key contributions of our work include: (i) an in-depth exploration of the focused attention mindfulness practice of mandala coloring with experts, (ii) novel design opportunities for harnessing peripheral interfaces to decouple the main task of focused attention from secondary task of monitoring attention during mindfulness training, and (iii) the concept of representational and temporal ambiguity in color-based metaphors to represent EEG data in order to facilitate its non-judgmental interpretation.

HCI'21 Journal Paper

  • Citation: Claudia Daudén Roquet, Corina Sas & Dominic Potts (2021) Exploring Anima: a brain–computer interface for peripheral materialization of mindfulness states during mandala coloring, Human–Computer Interaction, DOI: 10.1080/07370024.2021.1968864
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